The Top 5 Funniest CNA Moments We Can ALL Relate To
Let’s be honest: being a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) isn’t all about medical care and professionalism. Sometimes, it’s about dodging pudding cups, laughing through the chaos, and just surviving the day. If you’ve ever worked in a nursing home, you’ll know that some days are so wild, all you can do is laugh. And that’s exactly what this post is about: the top 5 funniest CNA moments that every healthcare worker can relate to.
So, buckle up, grab a coffee (or your favorite tumbler), and get ready to laugh your scrubs off as we dive into the most ridiculous, laugh-out-loud situations that only CNAs understand!
1. The Resident Who Thinks They’re the Boss
We’ve all met them—the resident who swears they run the place. They’ve got opinions on everything from the food menu to the temperature of the room, and they’re not afraid to tell you exactly what’s wrong… even when nothing is. Karen, our no-nonsense CNA from BestfriendTV, had one resident who insisted he was the real boss of the nursing home. He’d call her in every 10 minutes to “discuss his plans for the facility.”
“Now Karen,” he’d say, tapping his cane, “I want you to rearrange my room because I have a meeting with the CEO tomorrow.” Karen, with her usual sass, would smile and say, “Okay, boss. I’ll get right on that—right after I save the world.”
Ready for more hilarious moments like this?
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2. The Call Light That’s Stuck in an Endless Loop
Oh, the call light—every CNA’s best friend and worst enemy. Karen once had a shift where she responded to the same call light five times in one hour. Each time, the resident had a different request: “Can you move my pillow?” “What time is dinner?” “I dropped my sock.” “Can you turn off the light?” “Actually, can you turn it back on?”
By the fifth call, Karen, in true Karen fashion, couldn’t resist a little joke. “If I answer this call light one more time,” she said with a grin, “I might just have to move in and stay with you!” The resident burst out laughing, and so did the rest of the staff.
Want more hilarious call light moments?
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for the funniest CNA skits: Subscribe Here
3. The Pudding Cup That Almost Took Me Out
Food fights are usually something you’d expect in a school cafeteria, but nursing homes have their fair share of food-related incidents. Karen once had a resident who loved pudding—so much that she got angry when Karen served it with a plastic spoon instead of a metal one. In a fit of rage, the resident launched the pudding cup straight at Karen’s head.
With Matrix-level reflexes, Karen ducked just in time, leaving the pudding to splatter against the wall. “Well,” she said with a laugh, “at least you like the food!”
Want to see how Karen handles these messy situations with style?
Watch more on our YouTube channel: Watch Now
4. The Day I Played “Find the Missing Dentures”
One day, Karen received an urgent request: “My dentures are missing!” The resident was in a full-blown panic, convinced they’d been stolen. After tearing apart the room, checking under the bed, and even looking in the toilet (you never know), Karen finally found the dentures… in the resident’s robe pocket.
“I’m just going to pretend I didn’t see that,” Karen said, handing them over with a wink. This moment had the entire staff laughing for days.
For more real-life CNA mysteries solved, check out our channel:
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5. The Shift That Never Ended
We’ve all had those shifts that feel like they go on forever. Karen once had a double shift where everything went wrong—the call lights wouldn’t stop, residents were on a rampage, and her coworker “disappeared” halfway through the night. By the time she clocked out, it felt like she’d been through a war.
But Karen knows how to keep her spirits high, and that’s why she’s the star of BestfriendTV—finding humor in the chaos and surviving it all with a smile.
Want more Karen realness?
Watch her most memorable moments on YouTube: Check it out